Monday – Thursday: 8:00 am-12:00 pm, 01:00 pm-05:00 pm
Friday: 08:00 am-12:00 pm, 01:00 pm-04:00 pm

Access by car
Visitors from direction of Zürich: Via motorway A1 use exit «St.Gallen-Winkeln», direction «Abtwil, St.Gallen»
Visitors from direction of St. Margrethen: Via motorway A1 use exit «St.Gallen-Kreuzbleiche», direction «Engelburg St.Gallen-West»
Parking: IRPD visitors can use the parking spaces in zone 964. For the payment process of these spaces the Parkingpay App is required.
Access by public transport
Bus Stop «Lerchenfeld» Bus VBSG, line 1 or 2, (every 6 minutes) from St. Gallen Main Station in direction «Winkeln» or «Wolfganghof» until stop «Lerchenfeld»
Bus Stop «Moos» Bus VBSG, line 3 or 4, (every 8 minutes) from St. Gallen Main Station in direction «Abtwil / St. Josefen» or «Säntispark» until stop «Moos»