As one of the world's leading manufacturers of grinding, eroding, laser, and measuring machines as well as machine tools for additive manufacturing, UNITED GRINDING has a commitment to ensure that its operations conform to all applicable laws, regulations and ethical business standards, based on a culture of responsibility, integrity and sustainability.
We are convinced that responsible business practices are intrinsically tied to our core values and principles and essentially contribute to our long-term success and that of our customers. Building on these values and principles, we seek each employee and each supplier to use and display fair and sound judgement at all times, take responsibility and act strictly in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as well as internationally recognized standards and conventions on environmental, social and corporate governance whenever and wherever doing business for, or with, UNITED GRINDING.
The UNITED GRINDING Code of Conduct for employees and the UNITED GRINDING Supplier Code of Conduct set out the minimum requirements that each employee and each supplier must apply and respect within its sphere of influence and control.
Whistleblowing Platform
An effective compliance organization is based on trust and control. Actual or suspected violations of laws and regulations, in particular the UNITED GRINDING Code of Conduct for employees and the UNITED GRINDING Supplier Code of Conduct, whether intentional or unconscious, should be discussed and addressed in a trusting and open manner in order to protect the persons, organizations and third parties involved from (further) damage.
In cases of suspicion, you are encouraged to speak directly to the people involved or your contact person within the UNITED GRINDING Group. Alternatively, there is the option of reporting the incident via the UNITED GRINDING Group's whistleblowing platform; this also anonymously.
On the whistleblowing platform you can quickly and easily report concerns about actual or suspected misconduct that could affect your or our organization or the well-being of employees and third parties. All reports are strictly confidential. The instructions for creating reports with case-specific case numbers and access options for further communication can be found directly on the control panels of the whistleblowing platform.
The whistleblowing platform must not be used to make false allegations and knowingly reporting false information is prohibited.